McGilvra Elementary

School Policies

School Rules

School Rules

  1. Treat others with respect and fairness.
  2. Choose proper indoor and outdoor behavior
  3. Show pride in our school by keeping it clean and unmarked.
  4. Leave things at home that are not needed for school (such as candy, gum, junk food, toys, radios, dangerous items and substances).
  5. Always walk on the right in hallways and on stairs.

Classroom Rules

While individual classroom rules may vary slightly, all include the following elements:

  1. Show respect for your teachers and classmates.
  2. Treat property with respect.
  3. Come to class on time and in an orderly manner.
  4. Do classroom assignments and homework neatly, on time, and to the best of your ability.

Playground Rules

  1. Students are expected to keep themselves and others safe while playing at recess.
  • No hitting, fighting shoving pocking, tripping, or playing that becomes too rough and may cause harm to other people or property.
  • Students are expected to show respect to all adults and to each other:
  • When responding to an adult?s request, be cooperative, polite and truthful.
  • No spitting, searing, or name calling.
  • Snacks, food, drinks, are not allowed on the field/playground.
  • When the bell rings, line up quickly and quietly.
  • Students are expected to remain within the playground/field boundaries so they may be supervised.
  • Students must ask permission to retrieve balls/ropes.
  • Students must ask permission to enter the building during recess time.
  • Toys are not to be brought to school.
  • There are no ?Lock-outs?! Any students wanting to play, can play fairly and allow for others to rotate into the game.
  • Try to solve a problem before going to an adult. Students are encouraged to solve minor problems themselves, using discussion, voting and/or ?rock, paper, scissors.?
  • Treat equipment with respect. Return equipment to the designated area when you are finished. Share the equipment with others.
  • Tell the playground supervisor if you are hurt and need to go to the office.
  • Stay off of the top bars of the play structures and off fences.
  • Chase/tag may only be played in the areas behind the goals on the field. Developed by ASB 2011

Lunchroom Rules

  1. Use proper table manners and a normal tone of voice.
  2. Clean up your own area.
  3. Raise your hand and wait to be dismissed.

Bus Rules

The same rules for respectful behavior in school are expected on the bus.

  • Obey the bus driver at all times.
  • Remain seated on the bus until it is time to get off.

If a student will be riding home on the bus with a friend, the guest rider MUST bring a signed note from home. The note must be brought to the office for issuance of a ?green card? BEFORE the end of the school day.

Corrective Action

Teachers have the primary responsibility for maintaining classroom management. Each teacher will develop his/her own procedures following the McGilvra Code of Conduct for handling disciplinary actions within the classroom. When a particular student has behavior problems the teacher will develop a plan for positively changing his/her behavior. It can include teaching and modeling social skills, emphasizing school rules and affirming progress that a student makes. The teacher will communicate the concern to the student?s parents/guardians to get their input and support.

If a student needs to be removed from the classroom and sent to the office:

  • An appropriate consequence will be assigned.
  • Teacher, if not the source of the report, will be notified. Parents will be contacted.

Please refer to the McGilvra Code of Conduct.

Dress Code

There are a number of issues that we take into consideration when these regulations are made. Safety comes first, of course. Then we consider the dress standards appropriate for children attending school. This includes an attempt to align to some degree the elementary and secondary school dress standards, so that when students move on, most of the rules will already be understood.

  • Hats and jackets are to be worn outdoors only.
  • Pants are to be worn at the waist.
  • Undergarments are not to be exposed.
  • Shirts must not expose sides or midriffs.
  • See through, strapless, spaghetti strap or other thin-strapped tops are not to be worn.
  • Skirts and shorts that are too tight or too short are not permitted. They are too short when hems do not meet or extend below the ends of the fingertips when arms are held straight down at one?s sides.
  • Shoes need to be comfortable and safe for walking and running. No open-backed shoes/slippers. Please avoid sending your child to school wearing flip flops, thongs, beach shoes, other shoes without backs or back straps, or shoes with platform soles and /or higher heels.

Students will be asked to change to more appropriate/safer clothing if they come to school wearing items that are either inappropriate or unsafe.

Offenses Away From School

Each student has the right to go to and from school in safety, without fear, and without confronting prohibited conduct. Incidents that happen away from school can endanger the educational environment. For these reasons, school rules and consequences are in force from the time a student leaves home in the morning until she/he returns in the afternoon. Students are subject to school discipline for any actions that endanger themselves or others or that disrupt the educational process. The teacher will contact parents/guardians to discuss the issue and to identify ways of encouraging and rewarding positive behavior. At this time, the teacher may consider referring the student to the School Intervention Team for additional assistance from other staff members. The District Disciplinary Code supersedes the school disciplinary policy, please refer to The Basic Rules of Seattle Public Schools. Serious misconduct leads to serious disciplinary action. This action may include suspension, emergency exclusion or even expulsion from school. Misconduct of this degree includes district and criminal offenses such as the following:

  • Assault, fighting, instigating (a fight, an assault, etc.), intimidation, harassment and other forms of bullying behavior
  • Willful defiance
  • Repeated acts of disruption, disobedience, disrespect, unacceptable language.
  • Theft
  • Vandalism, malicious mischief
  • Smoking, or possession of drugs, alcohol, or any other or illegal substances.
  • Bringing or possessing a weapon.

Weapons Policy

McGilvra School has long enjoyed an atmosphere that is free of threats to the safety and welfare of our students. However, as part of our commitment to maintaining a safe, secure, and orderly learning environment, we follow the District’s guidelines and procedures regarding the possession of weapons and serious assaultive behavior. These clear and consistent guidelines apply to all students at every grade level while on the school grounds, while participating in school activities, and when traveling to and from school. The behaviors that invoke the District Weapons Policy include:

  • Firearms – For possession of a firearm (gun) loaded or unloaded, operative or inoperative, the automatic penalty is expulsion. Knives – For possession of any size knife the penalty is expulsion.
  • Other Dangerous Weapons – For possession of other weapons, including but not limited to the following, the normal penalty is expulsion:
    • Slingshot
    • Hand club
    • Explosives (fire crackers)
    • Mace
    • Pocket Knife
    • Cap Gun

Also be aware that at McGilvra we do not allow either water guns or “toy” guns.

Serious Aggressive Behavior

Serious aggressive behavior includes, but is not limited to: incidents where more than one student seriously assaults another student or staff member, unprovoked, aggressive behavior directed toward a passive student with intent to do serious harm or terrorize; forcible choking; repeated assault on the same student or staff member; intent to do serious harm; incidents where one or more students terrorize a student or staff member; threatening another student or staff member. The penalty for serious aggressive behavior is expulsion. Students are strongly urged to report to school staff any information regarding weapons on school rounds or serious aggressive behavior.